Pick up & Delivery

Joe Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/10/2010 3:25:00 AM
If you have a hard deadline when you need your car picked up/delivered you'll probably have too pay extra to "guarantee" that your car will be picked up within a specific time. The date they initially give you is NOT a guarantee. Also, when I picked up my car it was at a truck stop outside of Atlanta at 11:00pm (kinda sketchy location/time) and my battery was dead so I had to get a jump start from one of the locals (who also looked kinda sketchy/intoxicated).

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/13/2010 8:42:00 PM
Joe, Thanks for using Magic Carpet Auto Transport to help you with this trnasport. Michelle 360-834-2900