2008 Mercedes Benz

Brittaney B Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/10/2010 11:04:00 PM
Booked and Reserved everything within 4 days before pick up. Driver picked up car the following morning, than his originated time given the night before. Driver made comments and questioned why I bought my vehicle as a Manual...like your opinion is needed right now? I didnt wanna say anything to this comment, just in case he wouldve done something to my car. The Bay area to Las Vegas is about an 8 hour drive. I didnt want to make the drive cause i was busy making all kinds of moves, so i hired them. It took the driver Justin 4 days to get to Vegas! Cars in same condition as it was before it got on the truck. Worse comes to Worse Ill use Magic Carpet Auto Transport.