Wacky but functional...

John Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/6/2010 11:20:00 PM
This was a different experience considering I had been warned by most people that regardless of how good and reputable the "middle men" are you will still encounter some issues when shipping your auto. Stephanie at Magic Carpet Auto was good but I feel as though some things could have happened better. The car was scheduled to be picked up on a Tuesday. I know this is the "estimated" pick up date but when I spoke to the person releasing the car late in the day on Tuesday they still had not heard from the driver. The drivers are supposed to call between a few hours before up to 24 hrs before pick up. When I called Magic Carpet they told me they would call and get back to me. After finding out the truck was going to be more than 24hrs behind Magic Carpet canceled the pick up and rescheduled a new carrier. I did call the office and I did not speak with Stephanie who helped me initially. The girl forgot to deliver the message or something and it took an extra day to get the new carrier involved. I don't blame the Magic Carpet for not picking up the car because they are the middle man but be aware anytime you are not dealing directly with the shipping company expect a number of different things that can and probably will happen. When I did speak with Stephanie again she did take care of the issue and dispatched a new company. The car was picked up late but delivered in time. It was affordable but I was not put as ease for most of the transaction. Regardless of who you use chances are you will get some sort of issue along the way. I don't blame Magic Carpet because they just dispatch the carrier. In the end the car was delivered but I did not hear form the driver until about 12 hours before he arrived and his arrival estimate was about 6 hours off due to truck problems on the CA border. Again expect some sort of issues...from what I understand nothing ever goes exactly as planned when shipping a car. Good Luck!!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/11/2010 12:32:00 PM
john, Thank you for your feedback, however i do apologize about the experience you had with the first carrier. The carrier who was assigned was quickly cancelled due to the fact that we did not want any complications while your vehicle was in transit, so we quickly took care of that companies rating and put them on a Do Not Use list for our company, however i am happy to hear that the second carrier we had assigned to you was a lot better and handled your transport well. Feel free to contact us again for another auto transport. Take Care~*Stephanie*~