Do not use!

Gina Pan Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/1/2009 2:58:00 PM
I book my Mercedes CLK350 for a pick up on 5/16 with a 5/20 delivery. I realize dates my not be exactly as told BUT I called Magic Carpet to confirm the 16th because i had to rent a rental car for a week as I was not leaving Fla. until the following week. They told me yes that date as confirmed. No one ever showed up. I call again and they told me that date was moved to Mon. May 18th. Okay, if I was told that earlier I wouldn't have rented the car for a full week ($200 out of my pocked). They show up on the 18th and I was told my car would be delivered to the Boston area on Friday May 22nd. No one ever called me on that date so I called to check on delivery. The transporter told me it would be Tues or Wed (26th or 27th). Okay what is the hold up? The transporter told me the truck broke down twice, the driver took a day off and there was a holiday in there. OKAY so why didn't someone call me as I was away for Memorial Weekend and came back earlier than necessary expecting delivery. (Days later find out the car sat in Fla. until Fri, 22nd but I'm at the point who do I believe). I called Nicole several times and she NEVER called me back with any info. On one phone call she told me she was too busy to give me any updates! Finally, I get info from the dispatcher that it would be delivered on Thursday, May 29th most definately. I called around 4:00pm as I never heard from them. They never called me back and when I called the dispatcher he had gone for the day. Here I am, the customer and I am calling the dispatcher and Magic Carpet and getting NO answers. It was one lie after another. Well, no car on Thursday. I get Nicole on the phone and she tells me Friday, May 30th for sure, as I was leaving for w.e. Friday around 10:00 am and I would be the first delivery. She guaranteed my car around 8:00am as she said she spoke with the dispatcher and the driver. Guess what no call, no car. I finally get a call around 3:00pm from an outside transporter telling me they would deliver the car that afternoon. I was not home so they held it until Monday morning. They were the only reliable source I dealt with. I finally got the car June 1st. I have never been treated so poorly, so misinformed in my entire life. They knocked me down on a daily basis for about 2 weeks. I would never ever use them! And...they were more expensive than others! Nicole told me they would not be using that transporter any more...shouldn't they have checked them out prior (Ron Bailey Auto Transporter). I also should not have been the one to call Magic Carpet and the transporter. I thought that was Magic Carpets responsibility to keep me informed! They were useless and I'm sure Nicole would agree. A four day (approximate trip) took 2 weeks! I will now inform the BBB.