Six months and still waiting on 500 owed to us!

Rbeaton Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/29/2009 1:23:00 AM
We were shipping our car to WV from Honolulu. We had several problemsat the beginning with
Magic carpet giving us the wrong days that our car would ship
. We actually had so many issues with kathy and susan returning our calls.
They could not even give us a number and when they did matson still did not have
Us in the computer. Finally after many unreturned calls Matson was the ones that helped us.

We are an army family and our orders got changed. This car was being shipped out of
Our own pocket. We got the explorer stopped in California without
Any problem. It arrived back here in Hawaii without issues.
Our problem is that since October we have been waiting on our 500 dollar refund.
Because the car took a ride across the ocean and back it did not cost as much as it
Would have if it went across the country. Kathy has assured us many times as well as others that we should recurve
Our check in a week. We call every week and are told that somebody will get back to us. Nobody ever calls and our check has not arrived. We are going to an attorney this week. We have our cell phone records showing our phone calls. I do not see how they call themselves a 5 star company!