Magic Carpet Auto Transport- Great!!!

RJ Stout Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/23/2009 8:37:00 PM
This review for Magic Carpet doesn't tell the whole story. You need to know that Magic Carpet did their best to help, but the real problems are with the actual transport company (In my case Transporter of Spokane WA)
This transport company was 3 days late picking up the car, requiring my car to be delivered to the transport truck by a local friend, as we had already left on an airplane to the new place in Washington.
All was fine (except the 3 day delay of course) until it came time to have our car delivered. We were told that Transporter would not deliver the car due to some obscure money hassle that they were having with Magic Carpet Auto Transport. This had nothing to do with us, and we were ready to pay they agreed upon amount in cash when they delivered. We called Transporter several times and never did get anything but a voice mail.
Stephanie (from Magic Carpet) was as shocked and dismayed as we were about this turn of events, but powerless to do anything about it (except not use this company in the future). She said that what they were doing was illegal and we should call the cops and Transporters insurance carrier and the USDOT.
We called the cops (no help there-it is a civil matter to them), filed a claim with Transporters Ins. carrier and called the DOT. They said that what Transporter was doing was illegal, and could result in a $10,000 fine. We didn't file a complaint at that time, but phoned Transporter and left a voice mail to the effect that we would file a claim by the end of the day unless the car was delivered immediatly.
This must have done the trick, as we got the car later that day. They then had the gaul to upcharge us $100 more for a "drop fee" (which we paid so as not to keep the hassle going). Stephanie agreed to re-emburse us for this $100 and try to get the money out of Transporter.
Highly recommend Stephanie, Kathy and the gang at Magic Carpet. They made it through a tough problem without anyone losing their cool. Thanks!!