grandma's car

Rosilyn Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/9/2008 3:25:00 PM
Well grandma decided that she had had enough of the big city and wanted to move to the South. She sold off all her furniture and kept nothing but her clothes and her car. We packed her clothes, but didn't know what to do about her car. Althought it was in good condition it is a 1995 Sable and we weren't sure it would make it on that long of a trip. So my co-worker suggested that we ship it. She gave me the name of a transport company she had used about a year ago. Called on Friday. They picked the car up at her door on Saturday. Delivered it to her on Tuesday in Georgia as she requested. Professional, polite, prompt, and affordable. Who would have thought that you could get all that for such a little price. I would truly recommend Magic Carpet Transport to anyone. There is no better advertisement than word-of-mouth, so I shouting it from the roof tops: I Love Magic Carpet Transport. Thanks for keeping grandma mobile.