They did a good job - On Time and Safe!

Nathan Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/15/2008 2:30:00 PM
I only gave them a less than perfect rating because of a couple minor issues. Overall the customer service was good. The car arrived on time and safely which is obviously the biggest conern. Actually, the car was here a day early but the driver had a couple other cars in my area to deliver and he couldn't get ahold of the owners. He didn't want to make 2 trips which is understandable so we had to setlle for on time......

Again, overall they did a good job and I would recommend using them. I would use them again for sure.

That being said here are my very minor issues. #1 The online price quoted to me was $719. When I called to talk about the quote and details of what it included I was told that was not right. There was something wrong with their automated quote computer or something. She then told me it was really $789! You can also get $25 off any order if you place it online and fill out the details of the move yourself. I told her I would do that but she did it for me and gave me the $25 off anyway which was really nice. They were almost the cheapest quote I got but worth the extra $ from the lowest (which didn't have good ratings anyway), I think.

The second thing was that she told me that once they picked up the car they would call me to confirm and take my deposit. I NEVER received a call. I had to call them on Monday morning to see what I was supposed to pay the driver. I looked in my bank account and they had not taken the deposit so I wasn't sure.

In case this is not included from other responses: I called on Monday and said car would be ready for pick up on Tuesday. She called me on Wednesday and said they could pick it up on Friday and have it here on Monday. That was a total of 1 week start to finish which was faster than I anticipated.

In closing, yes, use this company. They do a good job but sometimes the little details fall in the cracks. They are friendly and have good prices.

Thanks Magic Carpet!