Magic Carpet Auto Transport - very good

Eric Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/12/2008 1:23:00 PM
Overall, a very good experience. Essentially, Magic Carpet Auto Transport is like many of the companies in this field, they are brokers for the actually truckers (sometimes it is an individual trucker and sometimes a larger operation - and sometimes the larger operation will subcontract to an individual trucker). The initial deposit is the payment the broker gets, and the payment on delivery is what the trucker gets (in my case the total was $720, of which I put up a $200 deposit once the vehicle had been loaded onto the truck). I think these reviews are very helpful and useful because you want to deal with a broker that themselves only deals with truckers and truck firms the brokers know are reliable and honest. I choose Magic Carpet because they had good reviews and in my case were local to Portland, OR. That choice was great because a local independent trucker here in Portland got my order and was able to pick up the car 1 day after the order! I definitely did not go with the lowest quote (some as low as $500) since reviews showed that service can be quite spotty in this industry. My only small complaint is that the service was contracted to a larger outfit who subcontracted it to an independent trucker (which was fine with me, I really liked the independent trucker, and he was courteous and honest), but I was not kept informed about this chain of assignments, and sort of had to figure it out on my own.