Confusing Experience

Christine Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/30/2008 5:12:00 PM
This was our first personal auto transport experience. Our other vehicle was shipped at gov't expense. We choose Magic Carpet because of its high ratings.
Price: Price was comparable with other transport companies.
Customer service: Not all of the employees could answer my questions over the phone. I had to ask for my customer tracking number. It was not sent to me - I had to ask.
Origin Pickup: The first pickup date we were given was not at all close to the dates I had given as our "window.
Destination Pickup: We received an email that our vehicle had arrived at our destination and ready for pickup, but when I called Matson it was not available.
Communication: Overall, it was a very confusing experience. We had a much better experience with the gov't sponsored transport.