Excellent Customer Service Form Malia

Mark Fabiano Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/29/2008 8:46:00 PM
“Fill this form out and receive 12 Auto Transport quotes”. Sounds like the logical and efficient thing to do right? WOW! That was a major headache. Unless you want to get 100 e-mails and 50 phone calls in response to your 1, I wouldn’t advise it. I started making calls to talk to a real person. Eventually I called Magic Carpet Auto Transport. It’s ringing and I’m thinking; another quote where I get an unrealistic price that doesn’t include all the fees involved. And, on top of this was always the required “Deposit Up Front”. Who wants to pay a $200 deposit for a pick-up that might or might not happen...ever. When Malia answered the phone she was polite, calm, and very informative. She took the time to explain the process to me and answer my questions (and I asked them all). Magic doesn't take any money until the car is actually picked-up. I like to know the workings of what I’m involved with. This car is very important to me. She knew that. It’s almost too good to be true right? I told Malia, “Save my quote XXXI’m going to check around a bit more. She says, “Oh good then you’ll be calling me back to book the haul”. I do feel like I will but I want to make sure. I guess we’ll see what happens!!!