Linn Torgerson

Jeff Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/28/2008 12:39:00 AM
I had to drive the car down from Vancouver to Blaine Washington, and then fly to east coast on a back-to-school trip. My schedule was not very flexible at all since it included flight tickets and hotel reservations. So my only request was to not let the car be delivered early, bcuz I wouldn't be there to pick up the car. My CSR was quick in finding me a truck driver and arrange a pick-up and a delivery dates that would fit my tight schedule. So I was pretty happy.

When the driver came to pick up the car, he was two days early. That worried me a little, thinking that the car might be delivered before I told Linn about my concern, and she took care of it.

Eventually, though the car came later than expected, it wasn't too bad, since my only request was fulfilled, and she did a good job in keeping the customer feeling secured. She would call regularly to check on things and ensure that all the issues and concerns were being taken care of. She was very reliable.

It was my first time shipping a car, and I'm glad that I chose the right company to do the job for me.