Kathy Ashlock

Mickey Freida Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 8:48:00 PM
This summer we needed to ship my daughter's car from New York to California for college. When I began the search for a transport company I was overwhelmed with choices and so confused!
I found this website and fortunately trusted the ratings and advice and we chose Magic Carpet for our broker. Kathy Ashlock contacted me and answered all my questions honestly and was very friendly.The car needed to be there for my daughter by August 19th and actually beat her out to California by 5 days! I was so pleased that all parties kept in touch with me through the whole process. Rubin the driver and Ray from Blue Angels were very polite and understanding whenever we talked. My daughter went to get her car today and said that Ray was VERY nice!
Kathy made many calls to double check and make sure the car was picked up and delivered when it needed to be!
We feel the cost was reasonable and well worth the savings and piece of mind.
I would recommend this company.