Excellent Customer Service

Kavita Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/15/2008 1:19:00 PM
I called them on 7/29 and they got a truck for me on 8/6. It was picked up on 8/7 and delivered on 8/12. Although it was a bit pricey, it was great service...good customer service with Magic Carpet and my car was delivered in perfect condition, with the exception of a thick layer of dead bugs on my brand new paint job!

The only problem I encountered was when the truck driver called me on 8/6 and told me he was going to pick up the car in the morning of 8/7 and didn't end up coming until after 9pm. So I wasted all day waiting because he kept calling me and telling me it was going to be only a couple more hours, when it ended up being all day! I had expected to have the car picked up in daylight because I did not want to have to walk miles in the dark, in an unsafe neighborhood...so I ended up having to spend even more money on a taxi.

Overall, it was a good experience. The girls at Magic Carpet were wonderful to deal with!!! and the truck driver was okay.