Excellent Customer Service

Ude Eko Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/12/2008 10:06:00 AM
The most positive aspect of my experience with Magic Carpet was the excellent customer service provided by Stephanie Hamilton. She was always pleasant and patient.

My cars were picked up on the day I hoped for, and they were delivered the next evening. I had regular communication with the driver. Unfortunately, the window on the driver's side was stuck about 3/4 of the way up - I noticed it when trying to lock the car. The driver explained when I called that he wound it down and when he tried to wind it back by pressing the switch it wouldn't go back all the way. Oh well, that's one of the unavoidable hassles one faces since no responsibility is claimed.

That has no bearing on my overall experience with Magic Carpet in general and Stephanie in particular. On the few occasions I spoke to others, I received nothing but the highest courtesy. I would use them again.