Texas to PA, went perfectly

Wayne Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/11/2008 1:40:00 AM
I have done this many times. It is always a crap shoot as to who the broker gets to haul your car. I went with Magic Carpet based on internet reviews and competitive pricing. I asked my rep, Crystal, to use a smaller operator or family owned carrier. I even specified carriers that I did not want to use based on internet information and reviews. They went with Dayton Carrier out of Texas I believe. The driver was Ernesto. He was early, and delivered as he promised on time with no excuses like "I broke down" or "dog ate my homework". I paid $875 for a 2007 Honda CRV. The move was from Austin to Pittsburgh. I consider this a very resonable price. The carrier/driver gave me his cell phone number and we communicated on progress. I was very pleased.