Vehicle not delivered to contracted location...and then they would refund any money!

Pete Rahe Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/3/2008 9:18:00 PM
I'm not at all pleased with the outcome of this experience with Magic Carpet Auto Transport (MCAT). I shipped my vehicle from the Port of Anchorage Alaska to Tacoma on June 6 with a final destination on the contract of Caribou Maine,after paying $2882 up front. I arrived in Caribou Maine on June 22, and waited approximately 1 1/2 weeks before contacting MCAT for a status. I was told they were having difficulty finding a driver to take my truck to Maine. After another week I offered to accept delivery in another location (larger metro area), but that a reimbursement for my travelling expenses was expected. On July 16 I was notified that a driver was found, but to only Portsmouth NH, not Caribou ME. I again stated that I'd accept this, but wanted reimbursement for expenses. Two days, I called back and was told that the reimbursement would have to be run by the company owner. 4 days later, I again called back and was told that I wouldn't get reimbursed because they hadn't made any money on the contract.

I am not at all happy with the end result. This company failed to meet their end of the contract and when I requested a refund or reimbursement I was denied because they didn't make money??? So I had to shell out an additional $300+ to travel to a town I've never been to AND make the arrangements for a meeting point AND take 3 days off of work from a position I just started. I think a good analogy would be this example:

You hire a contractor to dig an 8 foot deep basement for a new house and pay him up front for the job. After beginning the job he comes to you and says "I could only get a backhoe that would go down 6 feet so that's all I can do. It cost me the same as an 8 foot extension so you'll have to figure out how to get the rest of it done."

So you tell me...who got the short end of this one??? You can bet I would never give Magic Carpet Auto Transport anything but bad grades!!!