lied to me and left my car sitting for weeks

Leftin the cold Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/27/2012 3:57:00 PM
I first contacted magic carpet on 12/13/12 about tranporting my car from Wisconsin to Texas . They basically Priced it lower then the competition but never could deliver on the price they set. I am very disappointed in the company as a whole they knew of the time restraints and the importance of me getting the car moved and they totally did not deliver. I got every excuse in the book on why my car hasn't been picked up. I really don't like giving bad reviews .However,this company gave me no other choice . First time i used an auto tranporter and thanks to Magic carpet it will be my LAST !!!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/28/2012 1:00:00 PM
Steve, sorry the car didn't get picked up right away, I was waiting to hear from your son with the addresses, he called me back on the 20th so that delayed me posting the load and of course there was Christmas also which caused another delay but i did do everything that I could do under these circumstances.