nice car shipping

Kevin Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/10/2012 7:11:00 PM
I think everything is fine. The shipping is prompt and on time. Though I am still in the original destination and have not inspected my shipped car. I believe the car is fine now. The company explained the detail to me and let me know how the inner process is going. Nevertheless, I was confused by something. Initially, I was asked to put the order over the phone, since they said if I put it through the website, the order might go to no person in the company. Anyway, I still put my order over the website. The order went to the same person. Another thing I want to mention is that the discount is actually not so necessary. If the company directly asked a lower price, things will be much easier. It can still attract the customers. Overall, I am very satisfied and recommend this company. I don't have the habit to give the highest rating so easily since I believe that we always need to improve. Sorry for that.