5-Star Service - Call Kaleigh Jo Montogmery- 800-901-6452
First time Customer
Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport Review made Live: 6/11/2012 9:25:00 PM
To anyone interested in transporting your car: This review is only a review of the customer service which has been provided thus far. When i called in initially it was only to obtain a quote and to verify if the information other companies informed me with was accurate. After conversing with Kaleigh Montogomery, i ended the phone call with a sense of relief and and completely satisfied that I had found someone knowledgable and helpful. Kaleigh displayed exceptional customer service throughout the entire onboarding/ phone call. She turned a potential client (myself) into a first time customer. How did she do it? By attending to detail, and going the extra mile to make sure the price was within the range I requested. So thank you again Kaleigh you are truly an asset to Magic Carpet Auto Transport. Now all I hope for is the delivery of car is just as exceptional as you have been. Call Kaleigh if you want someone accountable, knowledgabe to help with shipping your car.
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