Poor Communication and not Very Professional

Adam Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/30/2012 4:32:00 PM
All communication with Magic Carpet was initiated by me, which was frustrating. There was no "Hi Adam, I'm Casey and going to be handling your transport." or "Hello, just wanted to follow up and confirm that you order is in our system."

I placed my order 2 weeks prior to the pick-up window, and the first communication I had with them was 2 days before my pick-up window started because I called to see what was up.

I gave a week window for pick-up of my truck, and it was not picked up until 5 days later. My truck then sat on a truck for 3 days until finally making the journey to Louisiana.

I have transported a vehicle twice before with another carrier and had excellent results. I chose to use Magic Carpet based on the reviews, and unfortunately was extremely disappointed.