Magic Carpet - Kathy Ashlock

David Fishman Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/10/2011 9:44:00 AM
I shipped two cars, and the first estimates I got were between $2200 and $3200 in order to ship both cars from Arizona to New York. Finally I found Magic Carpet and spoke with Kathy. Kathy agreed to work with me and we were able to settle on a price of $1880 for both cars. Kathy was very honest with me, letting me know that this price might not be good enough to guarantee my cars get picked up by a carrier, and that we may have to make adjustments as we got closer to the pickup date. About a week before the pickup date, I spoke with Kathy again and she gave me the good news that a carrier agreed to the price and would be there on the day I needed it. The pickup went very smoothly and the delivery actually happened three days earlier than was originally quoted. I couldn't be happier with the overall service I received. Thanks Kathy!!

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/10/2011 7:56:00 PM
Responded by: KATHY ASHLOCK 360-975-3192 ~ David, Im so glad I was able to save you some money and got the job done smoothly.