good and cheap but not very fast

Ed Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 9/28/2010 4:24:00 PM
Bottom line: I got my car, in good condition, and for a low price, but not very fast. If this is the kind of service you're looking for, I would recommend M2Reeves, LLC quite highly. If speed or firm dates are very important to you, then not as highly.

The specifics of my experience:

source location: central Connecticut
destination location: bay area, California
date of agreement for transport: 2010.08.31
available for pickup date: 2010.09.01
dates unavailable for pickup: 2010.09.08 - 2010.09.14
pickup date: 2010.10.16
delivery date: 2010.10.22

Total time from first availability to delivery was 22 days, but there was a 7 day period in that time that my car was unavailable for pickup due to travel of the person releasing my car for pickup, so 15 effective days is probably more telling.

They claim that 90% of cars are picked up within 7 days of first availability. My car was not among that 90%, which was a bit disappointing, but as they don't guarantee a pickup date, I can't complain too much.

The customer service I received from Katie was great. She was friendly, helpful and available.

In order to get their lowest price I had to prepay by check. The check was cashed before my car was even picked up, which left me feeling a bit annoyed. I think it would be more fair to their customers to hold their checks until their cars are actually picked up. Also, in order to get the quoted price, I am required to review them on this site. For doing so I have been promised a $50 rebate.

Overall I am satisfied, but I wish that the pickup had been faster and that I didn't have to jump through the hoop of writing a review to get the quoted price.

Good luck moving your car!