Shipping from Alaska- M2Reeves, Dorothy

CK Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 9/21/2010 10:43:00 AM
Staff at M2Reeves were all extraordinarily professional in their customer service. I would highly recommend that M2Reeves fund a trip for them to visit the Port of Anchorage so that when they have customers shipping from Alaska, they can give good information about the drop-off process and procedures. It ended up being pretty straightforward once I got in touch with the shipping company at the Port, but there was some frustration in the process as I expected M2Reeves would be able to give me that information directly.

I was a bit dismayed by the pricing of this shipment as the email I received with the price quote told me I would save 10% if I booked by a certain date. Unfortunately, when I called I was told that didn't apply to shipping from Alaska. The information I submitted in my request was pretty clear that the car was in Alaska and needed to get to Virginia, so I didn't understand the confusion. There was a refund, but not as much as was promised in the email.