
Samantha R Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 9/18/2010 2:19:00 PM
At first everything seemed wonderful when I made the reservation. The car was to be picked up 4 days before i moved out of the state but was never picked up till over 25 days later. Apparently the original person who took my reservation messed up my entire order picking up my car in the wrong part of the state and dropping it off to a completely wrong state which of course affected the price I had originally been given. Though it was the complanies fault they would not picke up my vehichle unless i paid an additional $215.00 which made my original order cost about another $300.00 total. Throughout the begining process I had called consistantly to find out what was going on with my order- no help. it wasnt until when the company realized one of their employees screwed up the order is when I had better customer service (but still had to pay the cost).