Order no. 882379

Tonya Mintey Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 7/20/2010 3:59:00 PM
Our customer service representative, Amanda Condon, did everything she was capable of doing to make this a smooth transition. However, I will not say the same for her supervisor, Stacy. We paid good money to have our vehicles transported from Oregon to Utah and were very disappointed with the carrier service. They were late three times coming to pick up the vehicles. Then to find out they were placed on a truck that was broken and had to go to the shop for 4 days. No one bothered calling us to let us know, neither M2Reeves nor Atlantic Delivery LLC. We called Atlantic Delivery numerous times with no return phone calls then to find out they were still in Oregon waiting on truck parts. I do have to say we also sent our boat that had to go on a different type of carrier which was a very easy experience.