Not even close to what I expected!

Diana A-R. Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 1/25/2010 12:03:00 AM
Well, what can I say - I expected a quick and easy transaction, and I received quite the opposite! Customer Service was non-existant, I followed-up with them, and they never reciprocated. Car was supposed to be picked up between Jan 3rd - 8th, for $679. I repeatedly called throughout the week to check up, and was told everything from this was normal and there would be no issues, all the way to them "calling in a favor" and adding in more money for the drivers to pick up the car. By the time the 8th came and it was evident that the car was not going to be picked up, I spoke to the owner Mitch, who explained that the minor snow storm we had in NY was the problem, and that the car would be picked up by the following Monday or Tuesday at the latest. At that poin, I told him that was fine, I'm reasonable, and that I would not let a few days be an impact to this review. Another week went by with my car sitting in a corporate park, with many more calls, many more promises, and finally, they admitted they screwed up, weren't making any $$ on the shipment, and can we add another $100 or so to the price? I needed the car, I had waited this long, so I told them fine, but if they didn't get this done by the week's end, I was going to fly back to NY and drive the car home myself!

On th 19th, we received a call from a driver (NOT the broker), on his way to pick up the car. He was at the pickup spot 20 minutes later, and thankfully, I was able to alert my co-workers of his arrival and we got the car on the truck. Apparently door to door service is another lie, b/c the driver immediately began asking us to drive 90 minutes south to come pick up the car. I agreed, provided they would give us a discount to compensate for our time and gas. They didn't like that answer, and tried calling my husband instead with the same question. When he got the same answer, he sucked it up and drove the car to my house. The car arrived very dirty, but I expected that and didn't care. I did see a fresh scratch on the bumper, but the driver suggested it was done in the parking lot I left the car at (unlikely, since I backed the car in the spot, under a lightpost), but when he said that the car was dirty when he got it, I shrugged him off- I certainly didn't expect them to repair the scratch anyhow, given the service I've received so far - I just wanted my damn car after all this time!

So, in the end, the 5 star rating didn't do anything for me. They sucked at customer service, they didn't keep any of their promises, and I had to really be on top of them to get them to even get the car to my new home! if I had to do it over again, I'd drive it myself and avoid these car brokers and car carrier companies - a bunch of shysters and rip-off artists, at least in my case. I hope your experience differs greatly from mine! I'm just glad that the car is finally sitting in my driveway in TX, where she belongs. Tomorrow I'll get her cleaned up and move on with my life. This was by far the worst part of our big move!