
Justin Moore Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 6/3/2009 2:17:00 PM
M2reevescarshipping.com was a breeze to work with. My mom called and got a quote for me and passed the information over to me. I called with my quote number and there were no complications getting the same price as quoted (been through that before with other transporters). Amber was very clear and simple about the process of my billing and how the car would be transported. After confirming I wanted to get it shipped, she called me back in about an hour saying she had a driver for me, gave me his name and contact information, and when he would be picking up the car. The driver she set me up with was VERY professional. When it was time for me to drop off the car he was already waiting on me and when it was time for him to drop it off once again he was early and waiting on me. Amber was very responsive to all my messages and the next time I ship it will definitely be with her and M2reevesshipping.com