746600 XXXTransport from OH to CA

Bonnie Wright Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 10/14/2008 8:52:00 AM
Katie was our M2Reeves contact person, and she did an exemplary job! From the quote, to the driver selection, to the follow up, she was always knowledgeable, pleasant and straightforward. Even though this is the first car I've shipped, I felt that Katie had my best interests covered. I expected to be consumed with angst throughout the process, but the driver Katie selected for us was perfect! Intelligent, witty, funny, experienced......Florin Curmei, our driver, is a very REAL person and a consummate businessman. He treated us marvelously, easing our fears of turning our vehicle over to a total stranger. My only regret is that I didn't ask him for more of his business cards.......I keep recommending him and Katie at M2Reeves to everyone...........even though they don't have a vehicle to ship! It was a most positive experience, and my daughter relayed much of what I've said above when Florin dropped her car off at her military base. An experience that could have been horribly uncomfortable was not........THANKS TO KATIE AND FLORIN! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!