
Andrea Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 10/6/2008 3:34:00 PM
M2Reeves was a pleasure to do business with! After having issues with a previous carrier I was hesitant to trust another. Katie took the time to answer all of my questions and put me at ease when I placed my first inquiry call. Katie was very professional and never tried to hard sell me into using them. After giving it some thought I called back on Saturday at noon and placed the order, Katie called me back within an hour to tell me she had a driver the SAME DAY to pick up my car. The driver was very very throrugh with his inspection and was in constant contact with me through out his trip. He delievered the car with in 2 days upon pick up and he was very professional. It just so happended that M2Reeves was the least expensive quote I received out of 5. It wasn't about the cost that made me deciede to use them, it was the customer service I received. Katie was very honest and followed through with every aspect of the transaction from the beginning to the end.

I would highly recommend M2Reeves to anyone who is transporting a car and I honestly can't say enough good things about them. If I have to move again, I will definitely use M2Reeves to transport my car.