Horrible - Do Not Use Them

David Bernstein Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 8/4/2008 12:10:00 PM
We called M2 on July 16, 2008 and spoke with Shawna. Much later, we found out that Shawna was a brand new employee and was really only a trainee. Shawna quoted this shipment at $904 and said that we should expect pick up within 1-10 days. When we had not heard, I called Shawna again, and she said that it was still in the system for pickup. On August 4, 2008, I called again, and this time spoke to Stacey. Stacey said that it looked like Shawna "underquoted" the job, and that it was unlikely to be picked up any time soon because of the locations involved and the price. She apologized but said that Shawna was only a trainee, and probably did not realize that her quote was too low and that the locations made this a difficult shipment. Stacey then tried to shake me down for more money, suggesting that, if I paid another $250, she could get a guaranteed shipment. I asked whether they would stand behind Shawna's quote - if Shawna made a mistake last month and I've been waiting since, that's not my problem, and M2 should arrange for the car to be shipped at the quote they quoted. Stacey apologized for Shawna's error but didn't offer any other solution other than paying more, or else she invited us to cancel the contract, which is what we did. Now, nearly three weeks later, we have to start all over and find a more reputable company to deal with.