Thanks, Brad!

Jim Submitted this review about Lightning Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 4/13/2012 1:50:00 AM
My car was first listed at a relative low price and didn't get a driver signed for almost a week. I am a little anxious about this because without the car, i have to rent another one. Brad called and explained the situation and suggested to increase the price, which i agreed. He called me one hour later telling me that he found a driver and 2 days later, the driver picked up the car. Although the picking up is not as quick as i expected, but the company and person i contacted (Brad) are responsible and they really want to give you help. In contrast, one company (XXX123) i contacted before tried to use my situation (i need to get my car shipped quick) to set a trap to grab more money from me). All in this industry, but they are totally different people. You need to be careful to avoid a trap and the only way is to pick up a reliable company and good person. I will use lightening auto carriers for my future car shipping.