trip overview

Robert Ginn Submitted this review about Kensington Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 9/25/2011 11:30:00 AM
Although a relatively short haul of a small vehicle, this trip was a bit complicated by a change of pick up point and a change of delivery city. Alexander kept me informed of pick up variations until the driver's itinerary was confirmed and I then coordinated with him. Pick up point was initially in a small cul de sac and we agreed to change that to a near by mall parking lot. The driver arrived where and when he forecast, explained the security of our Subaru aboard his transporter, and we watched the careful loading. The rig was clean, apparently well maintained and we were very comfortable with arrangement.
The destination had been changed by us and Alexander assured us that that was no problem. Our agent at destination was very pleased with the arrival and unloading procedures. We are shipping another larger auto from NH to AZ within the month and definitely will allow Alexander and his resources to handle the move.