Customer Service

Timothy Uttley Submitted this review about Horseless Carriage Carriers Inc.
Review made Live: 8/27/2010 11:45:00 AM
I have used Horseless Carriage several times in the past. Each time I have found the communication to be top-notch, the trucks immaculate and the drivers very personable. I have never been surprised by damages or careless handling. Whether transporting a blue-chip 1968 Shelby GT 500, or a Plain Jane 1964 Mercury Comet, each car has been treated with equal care and value. Bob Hadsley has delivered a couple of cars for me over the years and has been a joy to work with. Every driver has been respectful, courteous and informative. I have been contacted by company drivers after delivery informing me of something that they thought was important or over-looked. An example of this was when Bob Hadsley called me a day after delivery to inform me to be on the lookout for spiders in the chassis of my newly aquired vehicle . Parking it inside could have caused an infestation issue. A quick power-wash did the trick. Thanks Bob!

I can not imagine an auto transport company being any more responsible or reliable. The personel work as a well tuned team to provide a service that can only be described as "sterling". I will continue to call upon Hoseless Carriage to provide my auto transport needs. Thanks guys!