The only one who got it right!

Kimberlee Submitted this review about Honest Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/30/2011 9:15:00 PM
Captain Mark was my contact person and he was AMAZING from the start. I had called, e-mailed and facebook messaged multiple transport brokers and next to no one would get back to me. BUT, Captain Mark returned my calls within a matter of hours, if not minutes and e-mails were treated with the same urgency.

Further, I was prepared to spend about $850 on this transport because that was the ballpark figure I was given when I was shopping for prices a few months too soon. BUT, Captain Mark was able to get this route for me for $626!! Maybe it was just good timing but I was more than pleased. I was given a three day window for pickup and was able to secure a time on the first day I chose. Hurricane Irene tried to delay the process but she only held the driver up for a few hours. My car made it to Texas in under 5 days, door to door.

Thank you Captain Mark!!!