Was so easy---------------

Rick Simoncelli Submitted this review about Hilton Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/26/2007 9:43:00 AM
After reading the reviews on this site, I have to admit the fear of God was all around me! The comments were all extremely iseful however; it helped me understand the process, the business, what to expect and how to be reasonable. So glad the site exists.

Hiton Transport- who for me is Nicole -is fantastic. Friendly, clear, responsive , honest, informative - what else can I say? After reveiing lots of online quotes and speaking with her and seeing their ratings online, I decided to throw my hat in the ring. Their price was in the middle of the pack of all the quotes I received. Two hours after my first conversation with me, she had a truck that I could have in a few hours or she could find another if that was too soon. I was readyto roll - so we took it. This is one way the site helped me - have all your ducks in a row before making your call and understand that the whole process is a two-way street.

The trucker is fantastic. David ftom Favazzo Transport - I highly recommend him. He kept in total comunication with us - friendly, candid, clear - from arranging pickup, through the trip (which was delayed a bit by the freakish ice storms that hit the midwest and lower southwest in the past 10 days) and then upon delivery. He made my college age daughter, who accepted the car, totally at ease on delivery.

It was a breeze. Thanks to Nicole and David!