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Russell Lynch Submitted this review about Goldwing Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 8/13/2012 2:03:00 PM
I talked to Lou Angel and he told me he could pick it up in two days I gave them 3 he couldn't find a truck to do he never got back to me to say he couldn't do it I made 20 calls to him he never returned a call he wasn't very helpful at all. When I left him a message that I got anouther truck to haul it he said he would return my deposit of $150.00 and I didn't get the deposit or here from him again and I have made over 50 calls to him and left messages. I thought this was a good Auto Carrier and I do alot of trucking of cars and bikes and I seen that thay were a 5 star rateing but I guss the 5 stars don't mean anything. I have been in the auto sales for over 37 yearsand had alot of cars moved over the years and I can say this is the worst experience I ever had. Lou Angel told me he would return my money on 07/22/2012 and it is now 08/10/2012 and I still havent see any money. I will never use them again and I hope this will help the next person so you will not get ripped off like me. Russell Lynch

Company Response
Alan Beveridge from Goldwing Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/13/2012 2:40:00 PM
First of all, Russell placed the order with us on Thursday 7/19/12 and said he wanted it picked up on Saturday 7/21/12. The transport business doesn't work like this. What I mean is that customers just can't dictate when a driver is supposed to get their vehicle picked up. This is why we have a contract and the contract talks about the 1st estimated pick up date. We had 2 different drivers that wanted to pick up Russells vehicle at the beginning of the week, but that didn't work for him. He called us on Saturday 7/21/12 at 2:35PM saying he had someone else to pick up with a flatbed and deliver. He signed a contract and barely gave us ample time to pick up his vehicle. So yes, he does lose his deposit. It is non refundable because he cancelled the order before the time frame allowed to pick up the vehicle per contract. We are a business and here to make money. Also, he hired someone else to pick up the vehicle. This is also stated in the contract, and again he forfeits the deposit. In addition, he didn't call 20 times. He may have called 5-7 times. What do you mean the worst experience. It's customers like you that hurt the business because you think you can dictate the transport process and have unrealistic expectations and sign contracts and then ask for your money back. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Next time maybe you will read your contract and be a little more realistic. Thanks. Alan Beveridge