Not to bad.

David Sellers Submitted this review about Gold Star Transport
Review made Live: 7/30/2008 7:23:00 AM
I started looking at auto shipping companies for the first time. Lord I hope I never have do this again. Once I heard about this site, it scared me even more. I contacted Ellen and let me first of all say this lady is a very nice person. She is the one that sold me on her company. I did receive my vehicle somewhat on time as promised. There was a one day late delivery after it was shipped. I had no problem with this knowing what all could have gone wrong. I will say however that I was quoted 950.00 at first and ended up paying 1,150.00 by the time it was over. Not to happy about that but I did have a special request. All in all I would recommend this Ellen and her company over the others I have done research on.