Giant Auto Transport

Rich Submitted this review about Giant Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/25/2007 12:59:00 AM
Arranged to have truck moved from Utah to Nebraska - was quoted $555 online. Called to set up, informed agent that truck is wider and taller than most - gave measurements.

Agent stated that due to larger size, cost would be increased to $645 - we negotiated to $600 - I paid deposit.

Pickup was scheduled for Monday April 16th - no show. Driver called seller on Tuesday, met with seller Tues evening to look at truck. Decided he wanted more money, so called me at 10:30 PM and told me I would have to pay more for him to haul truck.

I informed driver that I had reached an agreement with Giant Auto, and that any increase in pay would have to come from them. Driver stated he wouldn't take vehicle - I told him that is his perogative and that someone else would take it.

I emailed Giant Auto the next day, sent the email to the 2 agents I had dealt with. No response. Called on Wednesday, left message stating what had happened and that I wanted a phone call. No return call or email.

Called Monday, April 23rd, informed office manager not in. Called Tuesday, April 24th, talked to agent, manager not in. Explained situation to agent, he stated "let me re-book it". So, despite my emails and phone calls, office had not annotated my account that pickup had not occurred and no one had attempted to re-schedule. I asked agent to cancel transaction due to their lack of response - he agreed to send to finance. I have not heard from finance or seen refund yet.

Two main things upset me - 1) driver calling late at night demanding more money when he was already 48 hours overdue, and 2) absolutely no response from company to my emails or phone calls.

Would strongly recommend going with some other company.