auto transport

Olie mueller Submitted this review about Giant Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/22/2007 8:26:00 PM

My complaint is they are unresposive to e mails and or calls. I had to cancel my request because I never knew if my car would or would not be picked up. I sent several Email requesting acall back and or status with no reply in a week.

Calls were alos not repsosnded to.

Based on all of that I cancelled the service because I felt I could not trust them to move my car.

Company Response
Steve Cerrato from Giant Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/5/2007 4:24:00 PM
We reaserched your account. It appears we do not have the correct contact information on your account. We always return each voice and email. Sorry for the inconvenience.