Giant Auto Transport Disappointment

Frank Submitted this review about Giant Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/20/2007 8:28:00 PM
After contacting Giant Auto Transport many times to find out the date of pick up. The pick up date was changed twice. Originally scheduled on Wednesday August 15, 2007 between 8:30 am - 2:00 pm. On the 15th at approximately 12:30 pm, I received a call from the party waiting stated that "no driver showed up so far also no call." Had to call Giant Auto Transport, who gave me the dispatcher's phone number. Called the dispatcher and he gave me the driver's cell phone number. Calling the driver he stated that he would be picking up the car on Friday, August 17th.

Friday came, and received a call at 12:30 pm from the party, once again waiting for the driver, who hadn't shown. I called the driver and he mentioned that he wouldn't be there until very late on Friday (never keeping in mind of the requested time window) or the first vehicle on Saturday morning. I then requested the vehicle to be the first vehicle on Saturday morning the 18th. The driver agreed that the vehicle would be first.

Saturday morning arrives and at 9:30 am I received a call from the party waiting stating that "no one has called or showed up to pick up the car." I called all numbers given to me by Giant Transport, the dispatchers, the driver and left messages for them to call me to let me know the time he would be there to pick up the vehicle. At 12:30 pm, after three hours of waiting for a return phone call I finally I called Giant Auto Transport. The person on the phone basically wanted to brush me off and have me call them again. His answer was the driver was probably sleeping late. After expressing how disappointed I was in Giant Auto Transport and their selection of carrier along with the follow through on how the pick up was rescheduled multiple times, he finally called the dispatcher. He came on the phone to tell me that the driver would now be there around 5:00 pm. 5:00 pm came and went...

The driver arrived after 11:00 pm on Saturday and was loaded at midnight. Far cry from the first pick up of the day. The person who had the car waited with the car all day for pick up. The car was loaded in the dark; the driver did not even have a flashlight, talk about being completely unprepared.

It is now Monday, August 20th and I spoke to the driver this morning that set the time for delivery at 5:00 pm. After leaving work early to meet him, he finally arrived at 7:30 pm to deliver.

On all of the occasions, a phone call was never given to state there was going to be a delay. I had to make all phone calls to find out the status of the vehicle. Many messages left asking for a call back but were never returned.

Needless to say I would never use Giant Auto Transport or recommend them especially if they are going to use dispatchers and drivers so unprofessional and non-responsive.