Amy made it easy

Barbara Desnet Dicker Submitted this review about GT Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 8/25/2009 2:53:00 PM
For years, I'd seen family members shipping cars to Florida for the winter and
encountering numerous delays and problems. It's understandable when a
hurricane or tropical storm strikes but it is not acceptable otherwise. I was
skeptical about shipping a car to Florida and expected problems but I was lucky.
Dozens of brokers contacted me but I chose Amy because she promptly and directly answered
every one of my emailed questions with speed and directness - no boloney
Amy lined up the carrier/driver, got all of the arrangements completed
and moved along swiftly. She was never pushy or without time to speak to
me by phone and email. She selected a wonderful, efficient, professional driver
who immediately gave me his cell number and an ETA when picking up the car.
The car arrived right on time and is now parked beneath the beautiful
Florida sunshine, enjoying the ocean beeze.
I never had a moment of worry. It took 1.5 days to plan because we needed a
specific window of delivery. Amy got it all accomplished, the pick up was right on
time and the delivery matched our exact window for delivery. Great job!