very poor

joe Submitted this review about GT Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 12/15/2008 11:59:00 PM
Amy was very nice and helpful until i signed the contract. She was suppose to call me when the car was picked up, that did not happen. she said to call her if i had any questions, i called but she mever called back. she said the driver would call when he picked up the car, that did not happen. i did contact him to keep up with the progress. he call about 30 minutes before he wanted to delever the car this was about 8pm at night , it had snowed , 6 inches that day and the streedts were iceing up. i had called him early in the day and he said he would deliver the car in the daylight hours, that did not happer. he got lost, i went to find him he was in a dark parking lot i said how can i inspect the car, no answer. than he could not find the keys to the car, remember it is freezing . after one and half hours he found the keys. i asked for the statement of defects found at pick up guess what he could not find it. i asked about a chip on the hood and the driverside rear bumper damaged. he said it was like that when he picked the car up not true. he never did find the paper work so i singed the sheet and paid him. i got ripped off, and Amy will not return my phone calls.

Company Response
Amy Perez from GT Auto Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/16/2008 3:43:00 PM
This review is not true.... I did speak to the customer after the vehicle had been picked and let him know that the carrier was assigned to delivery between Friday and Saturday of last week and that the carrier would call him when he got into the area I did NOT tell him the carrier would call him after he picked up because they do not do that. The customer called me over the weekend that is why I did not return his phone calls I am not in the office on the weekend. I also advised the customer that the carriers do deliver at night time and if he had a problem with that to let the carrier know he would need to wait until the next morning to deliver or he would need to have a flash light and he understood. I am not sure why he went ahead and excepted the vehicle at night when he was completely aganist it. I also told him that if he noticed any marks on the vehicle he would need to note in on the BOL so he would be able to file a claim the customer did not note it on the BOL so therefore I am not able to go after the company. This customer was very worried from the beginning so I made sure to go over everything that way he understood what could happen and what he would need to do. And unfortunately he did not do as and my contract says... I also never received a call from him after the vehicle was delivered to let me know it was damaged the customer at the pick up location called me to let me know. When he says I did not return his calls that is completely not ture I try and return his calls however he does not have an answering machine so how am I supposed get ahold of him if he is not at home.