Cancelation problems

Louis DiAngelo Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/20/2009 5:59:00 AM
I contracted with Express on Feb. 12 and paid the fare in full ( mistake). When they could not provide a carrier I canceled on Feb. 27 - the 15 days required by contract. I was then informed that my payment would be returned in 10 BUSINESS days meaning EAT will hold your money for a month. Why they feel it is OK to keep someone else money for that amount of time is is both perplexing and immoral. They are keeping your money because they weren't able to perform a service they are in business for. But it gets better. They finally notified me on March 16 at 5pm that they were refunding my money but again they don't tell you that it could take up to 5 days before the money shows up in your account. The money I paid EAT on Feb, 12 was not available to me again until March 20! Don't do business with them.
By the way after I canceled I went with Jayhawk and they found me a transporter in one day.