Sub Contractor

Douglas Hlywka Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/14/2008 4:14:00 PM
I opted to pay the deposit by credit card and the balance later. I later found out they had billed my credit card for the whole amount.

The car was picked up days late. I found it frustrating as the driver would call and give pick up times a number of times and showed up days later. The delivery was the same, the status was not given and the delivery date given by the driver conflicted with the actual delivery. The car was delivered in the dark and rain preventing an inspection. The length of time of the delivery was not a problem it was the inability of the company to relay even semi-accurate information.

It was not a good experience

Company Response
Mark Groteke from Express Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/27/2008 10:51:00 AM
Express Auto Transport regrets that Mr. Hlywka was not satisfied with his experience with our company. However, we do not feel that Mr Hlywka has fully explained what took place with his transport. First, Express Auto Transport is not solely a sub contractor, we have a fleet of our own trucks and also use a network of trusted carriers. Mr. Hlywka's vehicle was origianally dispatched the day he placed his order. The carrier cancelled and it was again assigned on the same day. The pick up was delayed due to the fact that the origin did not return calls to the carrier to confirm the vehicle was available for pick up.