Brandon Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/3/2008 12:53:00 PM
I found a Jeep that I really wanted in Illinois. Problem was I had heard so many bad stories about shipping, and how much it would cost, and more importantly... how long it would take. I looked online, and they all promised the same. So luckily a friend of mine had a good experience with Express Auto Transport so I trusted his referral. I had a GREAT experience. I ordered the delivery on Thursday. I was called the next day saying the Jeep had been picked up, and should be delivered on Sunday. Sure enough, Jeep showed up early on Sunday. I was told that it could take even longer (they needed to cover themselves) so I was prepared to wait at least a week. So again, I was pleasantly surprised when it showed up two days later, traveling through most of the country to get here. I would HIGHLY recommend this company to anyone who is thinking of transporting a vehicle.