2007 Yamaha C3 Scooter

Dylan Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/21/2008 3:34:00 PM
In summary, I wouldn't use any company other than Express Auto Tranport. I won a scooter on eBay on a Thursday afternoon and had to be at work out of town the following Wednesday. I hoped but didn't expect to have it delivered by anyone that soon, which would be a big problem because if something was wrong with it, I wouldn't be able to react in time to get my money back ($1,225) by the time I got off the boat. I received four quotes from four different transport companies ranging in price from $465 to $629. Express Auto's was around $600, if I remember correctly. I was gonna go with the cheapest, of course, but it would've taken at least two weeks. I called Express to see if they'd be able to get it to me any faster. When I told Cathryn that another company had a cheaper quote, Cathryn immediately dropped the price to $495! I didn't even have to ask! She couldn't promise to have it delivered by the following Tuesday, but put the order in right then and there to try to find a driver THAT NIGHT. To make a long story short, I would have been lucky to have my scooter by Tuesday, but got a call on Friday saying that a driver would pick it up on Saturday and be at my door by lunchtime the next day. I got it in THREE DAYS!! Cathryn was awesome! She was friendly, funny and genuinely diligent with getting me my scooter as fast as she could. I couldn't have asked or expected any better service, speed or price. I doubt I'd ever have to transport any vehicles in the future, but if I do, Express Auto Transport is the only company there is as far as i'm concerned.