motorcycle delivery

Randy Hopkins Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/9/2008 6:35:00 PM
My experience with shipping my motorcycle from California to Washington using Express Auto Transport and their shipper Kiwi's Karriers was made very simple and care free by both the people I talked to at Express and the driver for Kiwi's, Bob Whittenburge. My initial contact with Express Auto was with Katherine who was both very helpful and friendly. I was later told my contact person would be Tonia who did a great job of keeping me informed throughout the entire process from the time the shipper was arranged to when the bike would be picked up and its progress from there. It took approximately ten days for a shipper to be arranged and once that was taken care of, the bike was delivered three days later. For the shippers part, I was contacted early the day the bike was to arrive with a time of arrival which was exactly when promised. It arrived in the same condition it left California in and was well secured in the enclosed trailer. Both Bob and his partner were extremely knowledgeable in the shipping and handling of my bike and were also more than willing to ensure it was loaded properly and safely into my own truck. For service like this, I felt the price of $695.00 was money well spent. I live in Canada and in the event that I require a service like this again, I would not hesitate to use or recommend either Express Auto or Kiwi Karriers again. For reference purposes, my transport/ quote number was 807247453. I want to thank everybody that was involved in this move and encourage them to keep up the good work as they truly represent what customer service is all about.