Pick up date

Sherrell Buchanan Submitted this review about Express Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/19/2008 12:01:00 AM
I had received a call from the transport company asking if they picked the car up on July 1st and shipped it that date and it would arrive on that date would I be willing to pay an extra $50. I had told them yes..........but............that didn't happen. It was not dispatched until July 3rd and delivered at 10:30 pm on that July 3rd. Therefore, I will not pay the extra $50, because it was not shipped on the 1st of July as promised.
When trying to call the transport representative who was assigned to this dispatch number we could never reach her by phone. We left messages and she would not return my calls. The person who sold me the car also tried to reach her and she would not return his calls either. This is poor customer relationship on the transport company's part. Not good at all.
Other than that, the car did arrive in good shape but not when promised. The man who delivered it was very curteous and helpful.