jeannette williams Submitted this review about EZ Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/4/2008 9:21:00 PM
waited july 3 to -7 for my car to be picked -up i left the 7th an early flight to MASS called office daily left messages no call back until the e-mail to STEVE the night before i left . i mentioned calling the Fedral motors overseers/Attorney general.That night in Mass a driver in FL called i had to arrange a neighbor get my car to the drivers location. In Springfield 3 nights later at 11 pm i had to get a ride to truck stop to get my car.THE transport driver Excellant BUT i want out of my contract for the trip back in OCTOBER with EZ AUTO MOVERS. tHEY STILL HAVE $100.00 DEPOSIT FROM june WHEN THEY TOOK$100.00 june 5th as well as JUNE 9th.GREAT way to treat a new customer jeannette williams